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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

guess what !?

i have become a MATCHMAKER !


actualy , buat sementare waktu je .

hahahha .

kayykayykayy .

cite nyer begini .

pada suatu hari .

hahaha .

seriously luhh ctee ! =_=

when i & ahfy dekat dalam bas kn .

suddenly , ade msg .

i thought it was from my mum .

skaly , SYAHIRAH luhh .

corz i msg her , she didnt reply .

that tyminig jugakk dyer reply .

potong stiim betol .

hahaha .

ctee : dokk , monday amek buku record uhq . meet aku dekat cs .

syahirah : Monday?asl tk tues skali?kn ade training?

ctee : eh ? haas . lupe uhq . kayy best . aku dha collect allowance . 15 bucks .

syahirah : Ape seh kau.tkleh collectkn kteorg skali ke?aku tkde tym seh nak turon hq. tkpe ah.

ctee : eh ? tarq bleyy . drg tarq kasy .

syahirah : Alamak.sengaje nk nyusahkn manusia ah stjohn ni.tukar mcm mane ah?pt office2 dier eh?

ctee : eh ? haas . dekat office uhq . bersabar wahai knw ku .

syahirah : Alahh.aku tkde tym lar nk g.unless on tues jgk ah aku g.

Eh.ape cite ko ngn ahfy?btul ak aku spell?hahs.

ctee : eh ? betol uhq spelling . ape cite ape nyer ?

syahirah : Tk uh.dier yg bdk cck kn?ko suke dier eh?haha.

ctee : eh ? mcm mane kaw tawu ?

syahirah : Blog ko ngn muzka(:

ctee : lerr . haas . iye luhh . dha ady couple pon . haas .

syahirah : Eh?cheh.congrats ah!(: Carikn aku plak ah.haha

ctee : eh ? haas . abg jenggot kaw luhh apehal .

syahirah : Abg jenggot aku?aku da tinggalkn dier ah.haha.alah.dier jauh nah ah tinggal.carikn yg dkt2 ckit ah.haha

ctee : eh ? haas . kaw konferm narq aku cari peh ?

syahirah : Bleh ah.tapi jgn yg siao ting tong tau.haha

ctee : haas . kayykayy . nope problem .

syahirah : Haha.seriously ko nk carikn?hahs.

Eh.ko g kn training on tues?

ctee : derh ~ gye uhq . aku narq jumpe krg sume ! rindu banget !

syahirah : Ceh.kangen banget kape?hahs.

ctee : mesty uhq .

syahirah : Thnx ah nk tlg carikn.buat susa2 jek.hahaha=)

ctee : jyeahs ` haas . samesame , what are friend luhh kn .

so jyeahs ~ that was what we msging about .

hahahaha .

cool kn ?

hahahaha .

i know .

kayy dyam !

ctee mepek !

agagagaga .

Blogged @ 3:43 PM
Don't let me go -

Monday, December 29, 2008

Haha, Still can't get over it.. Last night phone conversation rox larhh !!. It started out when Muzka called Ctee and as usual they started to make sarcastic remarks..

KEPEREM !!! IBAB !!!!!! ...
yARR, Ctee and Muzka.. You'll never know what to expect from them, Only genius knows what in the world they are talking about... nak eetC, ?!?!?

Kae then after talking for a few hours. We got bored, So we tried to get somebody else in our conversation. Tried to get my girlfriend but she was asleep, Tried to get Anisah but she didn't reply.. Finally we got Khadijah.. jyeahh..

We were soo bored that when Khadijah were on the line, Ctee acted like she was dying and i was like " ehkk, Jangan main-main uhh, nie serious taww." .. Bored enough seyhh. hahaha.. Banyak punyer keperem..

Alryte, Next we talked like per normal. Ctee,Khadijah and Muzka. Haha.. YArr, this is the part why i said Raihan rox my world !!.
Kaee, ferst thing, Raihan is the younger brother of ctee, He is a MALE.. Currently single and he is 8 years old.. Primary 2 ??. ryte??

Khadijah and me tried to fool him but it turns out the other way round.. HE fooled us with his lame remarks.. What to say, Learnt it from his sister. NO DOUBT llaa..
Then i dn't know why but Khadijah and me ended up singing 'twinkle twinkle little star' to him.. He laugh like a pro..
Then after that he told us to sing ONE by ONE and he will rate us ..
Khadijah sings r again.. But Muzka..

I sang my own creation,

Baba kambing hitam ader tak bulu,
Ade-ade tiga beg penuh,
Satu untuk mak sayer,
satu untuk bapak sayer
dan lagi satu lagi untuk budak yang terjatuh longkang..

Well.. the result. Khadijah ZERO .. Muzka 100 !!!!!!!!!.. No kidding.
Told ya, at last my creativity paid off.

Then time flies by soo fast that we were almost talking to Raihan more than Ctee. wakaka. That leads us to Ctee being sulky.. In other words... KUJAREM !!!..
kaE THERES AN PERFECTLY GOOD REASON WHY I WROTE THAT RED WORD ABOVE IN MY LANGUAGE.. So that Ctee dn't get embbarased laa. Haha, I only give clue only.. haha.

( Pee Ass !!.. Ctee, Jangan la kujarem .. Nanti tak cute seyhh, And kalau Afy marah Muzka camnerr. ??.. lalalalala )..



Blogged @ 9:50 AM
Don't let me go -

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Every path leads to a destiny.

The song playing in our blog is dedicated to Ctee.. Enjoy laa.

What if.. Theres only ONE chance, ONE opportunity to shine. Would you take the risk to be ontop of the list .. Listen, Lifes gives you numerous obstacle which you can decide either to tackle it or just go around it.

Like for example, Lets take Ctee and Afy problems as an example.. What if Afy starts to sms her again and be loving again. Would Ctee takes the chance to be nice to him back ??. after what he has done, Leaving her alone,? Ignoring her ?.. What if afy does it again ? ...It would be a tragedy.
So Ctee, Take that ONE chance to make the right move. Follow your mind not your heart. Because the mind is in the brain. and thats where you start thinking of the possibility.

Remember Ctee, Stay calm. I believe that you know what you're doing.. just ONE SHOT to make it right.. EVERY DECISION YOU MAKE, YOUR FRIENDS, DE GYLERS, BESTIE AND SO MUCH MORE WILL RESPECT IT ALRYTEE..

Blogged @ 10:05 AM
Don't let me go -

Saturday, December 27, 2008

haishhaishhaishhaish `
is all that i cn say .
i seriously dont know what happen to me & ahfy .

that tyme kn which is last friday ,
i meet ahfy !
weee ~
kte spend tyme together seyy .
i seriously had a great tyme with ahfyy !
dekat dlm bus jugak he hug me & kiss me !
omgawhs baybeh !
it is so sweet !
hahaha .
he count every kiss he gave me .
hahaha .
weird huh !
hahaha .

tapy kn , tapy kn , tapy kn .
ade satuu part nie uhq ,

bile kte dha smp dekat bp inter kn ,
kte gye tempat 975 nyer bus stand taw .
all of sudden his friends pop out from NOWHRE !
wtfcukk !
dhen he say something me , beh tros jalan gye tempat kwn dyer .
i was like , ape nie ?!
dhen he tros ngan kwn dyer .
left me mcm gytu je .
baek kn !
butoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!
dhen i took out my psp tros dgr lagu !
buat bodo ngan dyer ,
pastu setep mcm tarq kenal dyer gytu .

bas smp , naek , dudok blakang .
ahfy & the gang dudok depan .
at that point of tyme ,
i was pissed off by his attitude , action , behaviour sume luhh !

balek je , no mood .
masok bilik .
narq mkn pon tarq deh selere .
tapy kn , mak dha save some food for me .
ape narq buat , just eat je uhq .
eventhough no selere !

ard , 6:14:08pm , i text muzka to korl ;
ctee : cn korl me ? klao busy , tarq peh uhq .
guess what , he didnt korl me .
gagaga .
busyman luhh katekn .

so , just sleep uhq .
mak kejot suroh solat mahgrib ,
dha solat , mcm narq sleep alek .
half way sleep ,
ade bunyi msg .
guess what ?!
ahfy msg me .
ahfy : B,u mrh eh pasal tad?
ctee : eh ? tarq deh uhq . i suke seyy ! ye luhh , ur friend & rokok is more important dhen me peh .
ahfy : B,s0 s0ry b

dhen ..
i dozen off .
wahahaha .

he msg me at 09:51:13pm
ahfy : B,so sorry b0ut just n0w b..I janji tj uat agy..Pls b,maafkan i..B,lau i tk eply s0wie,i nga saket rbk nye b..*crying*

me still sleeping .. zzzzzz ~

he msg me agn ..
ahfy : U da tknk lyn i eh?Haiz..Tkpe i fhm,i yg slh..I tahu i slalu kuang ajar nan u..Ni kali i biarkn u s0rg [ i didnt know what he meant by these sentence , klao krg paham , tolong blang ]..Im s0 s0rry..If i need t0 b0w d0wn t0 ur feet f0r f0rgiveness,i will..;(

finally i woke upp ! = )

ctee : dha uhq b , i dha maafkn euu & promise me not to did it agn . = ) euu saket eh ? saket ape ? dha mamam obat ?

but no reply .
so , i just buat bodo .

dhen i text hym agn .
text hym pasal i dream of hym .
haha .

he text me bck at 11:55:58pm
ahfy : Huh?Ape u bbl b?
ctee : yg mane satu ? yg ferst msg or second ?klao ferst , i dha maafkn euu ; klao second , i citekn bout my dream . paham b ?

dhen , he didnt reply smp luhh skrg !
ntah luhh .
Muzka told me , that ahfy bored of me .
haish , i hope it not soooo true !
touchwood betool !
haish ~
ntah luhh .

siape yg bace nie post , tolong luhh doakn for me , hope euu will msg me agn eh .

pee / ass : he oso told me that , yg kte will last long . corz , kte ade bnyk bende samesame , mcm jiwer gytugytu . &&& i am sorry if my post is long . klao tarq narq bace , press alt f4 . klao narq bace , scroll down until post is done . thnkz guys .

Blogged @ 9:23 PM
Don't let me go -

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Urrmm. About my leg. Alot of you .. My friends have been smsing me about my leg. Sayang jugak korang pat aku ehkk.
Well, As far as i know. My ppd has only 3 dollars value in it left. So if you're still smsing me about my leg after reading this post.. then READ again.

My leg has not been changing in terms of painful walking .. But for sure the swollen part of the leg has contracted but i still could not walk. It feels very wobbly and unsecured.
Still the same as day one..
I believe it has already been 6 days since i use the crutches and it is still the same. I tried to exercise my leg but somehow its too tiring. Don't know what should i do.
Maybe it just takes a very long time to regain back my leg stability.

Haiyaahh !!.. stressful seyhh. I hope i have a speedy recovery !!. I really really really want to get back to SKATING. Getting back on my board.. Windy evening. gliding through the void decks feeling the wind breeze. Doing tricks with just a flick of foot and catching it sweetly.
WAHH !!!!!!!.. seriously miss those times !!!!.

Blogged @ 10:40 AM
Don't let me go -

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Alryte.. First thing first.. This video is taken before the tragic happened.
This is just a warm up video for you all upcoming skaters or already a skater. Do follow up all my instructions and hopefully you can land your desired tricks. haha.
PEACE ehhkk..

Blogged @ 11:20 AM
Don't let me go -

heyy !

urm , sorry Muzka for not visiting euu .
ape nyer besties uhq tarq visit .
haish `
bdw , euu [ MUZKA ] havent been picking up korl lately .
guess euu were busy uhq .

GUESS what ppl !
i have been i love with particular guy ,
name AHFY .
weee `
haha .
okayy , urm , he is 1 year younger then me .
but he is TALLER me !
wtfreak kn !
hahaa .
yesterday get to meet hym before going to skool .
we spent alot of tyme !
yay !
ahaha .
that was my MEMORABLE moments in my lyfe . * mcm paham uhq ctee *
wahahahaa `

at ferst , when we meet each other ,
~~~ we were silent ~~~
seriously silent !
hahahahhaa .
suddenly , he play with my hoodies
okayy guys , this is the most exciting part !
he kiss me on my cheek !
wahahahahaa `
i was like , " eh ? ape nie ? "
dhen he say " kiss luhh "
hahhahaa .
seriously , we spent our tyme like 2 hrs ++
hahahha .

after that , i realise i was late for skool .
haiyo-yo .
hahaa .
dhen , he antar me to skool .
odw dere , he saket perot .
feel bad for hym ,
he told me that he couldn't antar me until the skool gate .
corz he cannot tahan .
hahaha .
dhen i asked hym to go hme luhh .

myb this friday will be meeting hym agn .
cant wait baybeh !!

pee/ass : too , BradekzFam , Besties , Muhd Fam , De Gylers && Jiwers .
i wont forget euu eventhough i had a guy .
if my behaviour or attitudes change , PLEASE ,,
tegor me ! thnkz ye `

Blogged @ 10:48 AM
Don't let me go -

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Yesterday was the most wonderful day of my life. okae, At least one of the most wonderful days.
Alot of my friends visited me and gave me some gifts and hope for my speedy recovery.
Wahh, Sayang jugak korang pat Muzka ehkk. Thank you very much for those you took their time to visit me !!.. Appreciate damn lot !!. I'll do something else in return alryte.
Just give me a call. wahahaha.

Ader guest nie bebual pasal Fuhua secondary jerr. so tired listening to it. What can i say, My younger brother is selected to go to fuhua. So when his senior comes. There he goes. He would ask about water cooler, Canteen stalls and gangsterism in the school.. =.=

But my favourite guest would be the LAST one which is Ammar and Fakhitah. We watched some shows in the teevee then Ammar wanted some advise on how get the girl he wants. So i gave him several advises. I LOVE helping people. Especially man to man talk.
I don't know why he asked for my help. But oh well, If you want to look at me like a Playboy or Stud then its up to you. Im just a natural Chick magnet ..waaaHHHHH !!!!!!!!. DA MELAMPAU.... Sungguh terlalu sih aku nie !!.

Tengok lahh Ctee !!.. Because of you im beggining to talk like you !!. Ehkk kiweekk, Dahlah diam lah Muzka. Merepk jerr tawu. dah diam.. shh shh,,

Kae, Back to my favourite guest. So They bought me a box of chocolate which i dn't know how to spell. But let me describe it. Its a shape of a circle. Inside theres one huge nut covered by soft chocolate then a round biscuit then it is covered by chocolate with nuts. It is wrapped with golden wrapper and has a sort of those kueh paper below it and it is brown in colour.

Haha.. Guess la what chocolate it is !!!.. If you get it right.. then......................................... Good for you. Thats all..

Thanks ehkk ammar and Fakhitah, You guys are much loved by Muzka in any way you want except for gay,homosexual and other related stuffs that are below 16. Thanks alot laahh...

Blogged @ 10:27 AM
Don't let me go -

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I don't know if you realise it or not.. But yarr, the photo above shows my left leg after the Horrifying accident. You got to look closely at my knee area. you can see it dented and swollen all over my knee. Ughh, realise how huge my leg is ?!?!?!.. Its totally ruin !!

went to the hospital earlier was given immediate treatment. I was also given a crutch to use until ive recovered.
Wanna know how did this injury happened??.. ASK me PERSONALLY.
I couldn't write it in this blog because it would ruin my reputation..

Let me tell you something, Really. If you're wearing shorts now, Compare ur knee to that photo above. Damn its huge. and heres the thing. Before i got the crutches. For me to go to the HOUSE toilet.. I would be standing at the entrance just finding my ways to get over the ledge on the front entrance. Its that PAINFUL !!!!!

Blogged @ 2:41 PM
Don't let me go -

urm , tomorrow is " de gylers " .
but i not sure whether i going or not .
hopefully bleyy uhq .
i promise my mum to her slave for the rest of my life !
it's a promise okehh !
but idontknow whether she still let me go or not .
haiyo-yo .

ppl , please pray for the sake of me that tomorrow i can go to the outing .

Blogged @ 11:18 AM
Don't let me go -

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Earlier today i wore back my School uniform after not wearing it for a full 3 months,
Took the same bus ive been taking for four years.

So, First arrive school at 2pm sharp. Enters the hall and the Discipline Master call me up to sit with the other students who have improper grooming. kwang3 .
Alot of it is from my class. haiyaa..
Some came to school with brightly coloured hair, long hair and freaky hairstyle.. BUT with full uniform. Cool la tuu.

We were suppose to sit at the back of the hall and be the last one to receive our result. Soo yarr we did. Still have no idea on what course should i take.. But i will update you all for more information. Toddles.

Muhammad Muzhafar result for GCE 'N' level.

Subjects Grade

English Language SYLL A FOUR
Combined Humanities Ungraded
Mathematics SYLL A Ungraded
Malay FOUR


Blogged @ 6:08 PM
Don't let me go -

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

urm , wahhhh !
tady lmbt seyy !
haiyo-yo . ferst day je dha lmbt .
ishk !
naseb the nurse manager tarq marah .

wahahahahahahaha ~

dha tukar full u .
nurse manager show me ard the ward ,
in case idontknow uhq .

i am the only st john member in that ward !?
wtfreak kn ?!
but , it was boring .
i seriously look lyke a person with no life .
pegy balek , pegy balek mcm budak slenge .
finally get to feed one of the patient for breakfast & lunch !
wahahahahahhaa ~
cantekkk !

nursenurse dekat situ sume okayy uhq .
but i never talk to them .
senyum je .
klao bbl pon cume bukan dgn sume nurse uhq .
i get to interact with the patients !
most of them is chinese uhq .

ade satu nurse nie uhq .
she look cute & i adore her the way she did her werk & attend to patients .

wahahahahahahhaa ~

hmm , tuu je uhq .
esk narq learn new thing .
hahaha .

pee/ass : this post is about last monday ! not today ! ^^

Blogged @ 9:24 PM
Don't let me go -

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hello readers of Breathe-with-us.blogspot .. I have a doubt here. Do you believe in earning money Online ??.,

Yarr , thats about it, theres still more but thats the highlight..
So what do you think?.
How does we earn $20,000 dollars online at home ?.
How does it works?

anybody has any ideas..?

Blogged @ 5:04 PM
Don't let me go -

Sunday, December 14, 2008

* lawa kn aku edit ? prasan betol si ctee nie *
i seriously miss euu guys seyy !!

bile bleyy meet !

22 ?

myb uhq .

hahaha .

ngok wayang kepeh ?

sume ade partner , aku tarq deh !

mane aciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !

tarq narq friend krg uhq .

wahahahahaha !


ctee gyler !

kayy dyam .

gerek kn confrence that tyme !

hahahaa .


amcm ?

muzka & anisa loyar burokk ngan ctee !

krg bleyy dudok satu umah luhh seyy `

wahahahaa .


hahahaha .

kuang asam kn ?

ishk !!


Blogged @ 3:08 PM
Don't let me go -

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Blogged @ 11:03 AM
Don't let me go -

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

haha .

hello readers !

ferst i want say sorry to MUZKA yg dha lame tarq post !!

follow by : euu readers ~

been busy these days .

nothing to post actually .


sorry .
so , i just post so photos .

Blogged @ 1:43 PM
Don't let me go -

Its all about me !!.. MUZKA ..

Even the KUACI seeds form my name .. Fancy footdrills. wakaka.

Alright, My class T-SHIRT.. No doubt it would be me who is wearing this awesome shirt.. 4N3 uhh ..

Ahh.. This photo.. This is my Birthday present from Nikkita .. ITs a gift that is tune to perfection.. Can't get any better than this.. LOVE YOU HUNEYY !!..

UHH.. A keychain carved after me.. Muzka !!.. Precious ones.. But i gave it to my special girl.. For ur info.. This keychain really meant alot to me. giving it to someone else?? I must be out of my mind ..

haha, thanks Asyqin for your beloveD banner for me.. Muzka .. I loveD you ehhkk..
Good, Its past tense.. haha..

Blogged @ 11:11 AM
Don't let me go -

Jyeahh.. Don't know how to start a post. But here it goes.
I just feel like putting all of the words in this post as bold .
Because it is just too exciting..

Alryte nevermind.. Urrmm, So First thing first. I got my first kiss on the cheek on my THIRD date with my ONE and ONLY girlfriend.
Haha, I can still imagine it like it was a flashback.

The Darkness seems to take over the world,
We watched over as the boats went past.
Muzka makes Nikkita feels so loved and secured,
She laughs and had a great time. It seems like everything went right.
Muzka talks about how a ghost can kiss the victim.
Nikkita suddenly goes " Is this how the ghost kisses a victim?"
She gave Muzka a very fast kiss on his cheeks.
Both of them blushed and kept silent for a moment.

How??.. not bad right my story ??.. haha.
Actually i don't know why but that Saturday night. We were soo close to each other. It feels like Heaven.. Can you still remember how it was like Nikki ??..

Alryte, I still can't stop saying thank you to my gurlfren for giving me a gift which is suit to PERFECTION..
A handphone earpiece !!.. USEFUL llaa at times !!.. THANK YOU !!..
A BELT with my NAME on it !!! ???... PRECIOUS llaaa.. THANK YOU !!...

I would type out a gazillion THANK YOU .. But it will just make your eyes go haywire..

Wanna see the photo of my belt and other stuffs that all about me??.. LOOK above this post.. haha, Enjoy.. !!

Blogged @ 10:42 AM
Don't let me go -

Friday, December 5, 2008

Feel the sweetness of my wooden toy.

Yesterday, I woke up in the morning like per normal. In my head i was thinking.." yarr, one of the ordinary days where Amirul would just call me and go " Dok, nak skate? "..."

But then my girlfriend chopped me ferst. She asked whether we can meet up or not. So yarr, As a GOOD boyfriend i got to say yes right.. haha, So as i was anxiously waiting for the time to struck 3pm before i start to bath. But then rain started to pour HEAVILY . Thunder started to roar.. But i didn't lose any hope.. Im a man who holds on to my words..

Left my house at 4:30pm and headed to Woodlands MRT station. YES.. First impression of being a boyfriend passed !!!.. I came EARLY and punctual !!!!!!!!!!!!... Take that guys !!!

The rest of the day. I just did what i gotta do. Walk around in METRO. treated her bubble tea, Sent her home and yarr.. theres laughter and jealousy in the middle.

( P.S .. Yes, I am attached. Surprise?. Err, maybe not ehkk?.. keep in mind that my anniversary is on 4.12.2008.. yeaa, This time i really hope we last long. SHES ADORABLE !!)

Kae, thats about it. Maybe i'll post later on. urrmm, About my HipHop. Yeaa.. so stay tune becoz i smell something burning above this post.. Jyeahh..

Blogged @ 10:16 AM
Don't let me go -

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

As you can see, When it comes to my turn to bust a move. A passerby walks by and spoils the whole thing. What The Duck seyhh.. We had to shoot like 11 shots and it ends up to this. Passerby, Wrong dance steps. Mostly wrong dance step lla. Then when i finally get to pop out.. a Passerby came i just gave that UGHH.. And i just walk away.
but do enjoy the whole video. Brought to you from the best of the best in C-walkers.

Btw, Im the second one to dance in. Wearing the white shoes yaaww. Check out my SMOOTHNESS baybehh !!. The guy dancing like a pro int he first one is Amirul Syazwan.

haha.. chill ehkk.

Blogged @ 9:51 AM
Don't let me go -

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

sorry readers i never post for a long tyme ..

maklum luhh .. baru alek dary camp luhh katekn ..
gagagaagaga ..
penat gile seyy ..
tapy GEREK seyy ..
i had a crush on this guy ..
whoaaa !
tapy sedeyy seyy dha tarq dapat ngok muke dyer lagy ..
haish !
tapy tarq peh ,, 6 Dec is the last day i cn get to see hym agn ..

i oso get to meet a new friends !
anisa , amirah , elle , illa & harizah !
GEREK kn ?
sume GILE seyy ..
me , anisa , elle & harizah is the MOST KECOH in the platoons seyy ..
hahahaha ..
myb kte planning narq meet on21 or 22 Dec ..
hahaha ..
hopefully jady luhh kte kluar samesame eh ..

Blogged @ 12:03 PM
Don't let me go -